Are you looking for Christmas quotes? Here is the list of quotes we have collected for this Christmas. Let these Christmas quotes remind you of the peace and joy. 🎄Merry Christmas! and don't forget to share these quotes with your friends and family.

On this Christmas day, may you celebrate and have merry. And keep the spirit of Christmas all through the New Year. Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
It is true that Christmas makes us become children again. As we remember the memories of the past and pass them on to our children to make more memories. Merry Christmas!
I want to become small again this Christmas. So that I can feel again the entire joy of Christmas without the worries of the world on my mind.
If someone tries to steal your Christmas away this year, let them. Because the spirit of Christmas is far greater than the Grinch who stole Christmas.
Pray that the heavens hear you this Christmas rather than to pray for wealth. Because if the heavens do hear you, you will indeed get everything you desire.
Christmas gift for him
The true message of Christmas is this, we are never alone – Taylor Caldwell
There is no sadder thing that to wake up on Christmas day and not be a child – Erma Bombeck
There is a Christmas song upon the air,
There is a joy innate within the heart;
An inner sense of peace, a holy light
Illumines life and sets these days apart.
~ Edna Greene Hines
This time of year means being kind
to everyone we meet,
To share a smile with strangers
we may pass along the street.
~ Betty Black
Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself.
~ Norman Wesley Brooks
The merry family gatherings–
The old, the very young;
The strangely lovely way they
Harmonize in carols sung.
For Christmas is tradition time–
Traditions that recall
The precious memories down the years,
The sameness of them all.
~ Helen Lowrie Marshall
May Christmas lend a special charm
To all you chance to do.
And may the season light your way
To hopes and dreams a new.
~ Garnett Ann Schultz,
Let us have music for Christmas…
Sound the trumpet of joy and rebirth;
Let each of us try, with a song in our hearts,
To bring peace to men on earth.
~ Mildred L. Jarrell
I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Christmas is the day that holds all time together. ~ Alexander Smith
Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection. ~ Winston Churchill
Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. ~ Peg Bracken
May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!
Christmas is Family, Friends, Hope, Joy, Memories, Peace and Love.
At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year ~ Thomas Tusser
Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. ~ Janice Maeditere
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie
My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. ~ Bob Hope
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~ Norman Vincent Peale
Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone. ~ Charles M. Schulz
Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand. ~ Dr. Seuss
The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness. It illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world’s busy life and become more interested in people than in things. – Thomas S. Monson
God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas, it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it. – Pope Francis
When we recall Christmas past we usually find that the simplest things, not the great occasions, give off the greatest glow of happiness. ~ Bob Hope
Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.
The only blind person at Christmas-time is he who has not Christmas in his heart. – Helen Keller
Christmas is the season of joy, of holiday greetings exchanged, of gift-giving, and of families united. ~ Norman Vincent Peale
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. – Roy L. Smith
From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other. ~ Emily Matthews
Peace and love to you on this special Christmas day. May joy envelop you and loved ones be near. Wishing you a very special and blessed Christmas!
Heap on the wood!-the wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will,
We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.
~ Sir Walter Scott
It’s that special time of year again, when loved ones hold each other dear. May you experience the special joy of this day, and revel in its special cheer. Happy Christmas!
May this Christmas bring you joy and peace, and all of your heart’s desires. May you experience the warmth of family and friends, dressed up in their colourful Christmas attires. Have a super special Christmas!
It’s that joyous time of year again, when Christmas cheer fills the air. May your loved ones be close to you, whilst revelling in Christmas cheer!
May Santa bring your heart’s desire, and land safely with his reindeers. May he slid down your chimney quietly, and deliver your presents with ease. Have an amazingly joyous Christmas!
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. ~ Will Ferrell
A Christmas candle is a lovely thing;
It makes no noise at all,
But softly gives itself away;
While quite unselfish, it grows small.
~ Eva K. Logue
Christmas now surrounds us,
Happiness is everywhere
Our hands are busy with many tasks
As carols fill the air. ~ Shirley Sallay
Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most. ~ Ruth Carter Stapleton
Good news from heaven the angels bring,
Glad tidings to the earth they sing:
To us this day a child is given,
To crown us with the joy of heaven. ~ Martin Luther
Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than that. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving. ~ J. C. Penney
Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind; Teach us to be patient and always to be kind. ~ Helen Steiner Rice
The best of all gifts around any christmas
tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~ Burton Hills
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